Pimp My Game: A Roleplay Ad Community - March 20th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Pimp My Game: A Roleplay Ad Community

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March 20th, 2011

[Mar. 20th, 2011|12:30 pm]
This is a pretty decently active community that's very friendly and open. It would be awesome if some more girls came, but more dudes are pretty epic as well. Make sure to check out the wanted list! There are a lot of popular characters still available. :)

This is an AU game that has a loose plot but focuses on real life in Vegas and doesn't get too far away from realism. No supernatural stuff, no off the wall stuff like 500 story buildings and where not everyone has to be locked in to the same thing or going in the same direction; like a school, an asylum, a prison and so on. It's about just living in Vegas and the multitude of different types of people that live there - from the rich, the poor, the illegal, the legal, the families and the single bar flies. The options of what you can bring into the community are pretty large and it's Vegas - what's not to love?

I will be doing adds in two days. (=
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[Mar. 20th, 2011|06:10 pm]
☾ Moonlight Nocturne
Welcome to Seattle, Washington, where the grass is green all the time, where the air always smells like the ocean, and where the next end of the world is scheduled to take place, T minus: now.

Something is happening in Seattle. People are showing up dead with no explicable cause, people are reporting seeing monsters in the streets late at night, and young men and women all around the city are beginning to change. Ordinary at first, but at a moment of danger they find themselves either drawn to it... or bringing it about.

You are a student, or maybe you're not. You are a businessman, or maybe you're not. You are a mother, a daughter, a son, a husband. You are a father, a sister, a brother. But you are also something else, something not meant for this world, but born into it for a specific cause: to defend it, or to overtake it. Who are you?


Moonlight Nocturne is an AU, PB Sailor Moon game set in present-day Seattle. A new race of soul snatchers has come to earth and is hell-bent on refueling its dying population with star seeds - and Seattle's population is first. The Celestians didn't plan on a fight, but who could have known the earth would have a bunch of guardians dressed in tutus? Actually, it was probably someone's job to find that out. Their bad.

We're an active, welcoming group of players currently in search of a Sailor Pluto to join us. Along with just about anyone else!

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