Dec. 28th, 2008


Diving for Pearls (part 2)

Title: Diving for Pearls
Setting: FFX
Character(s)/Pairings(s): Auron, Rikku
Warnings: Nope
Summary: First part is here. For pyre_flies over at LJ.

He smelled like the few ocean storms that made it into the desert or maybe like a night when all her inventions worked perfectly.

Jan. 3rd, 2008


Diving for Pearls (part 1)

Title: Diving for Pearls (part 1)
Setting: Sometime during the pilgrimage
Themes: 33) Exploration, 34) Fumbling/clumsy, 49) Sphere(s)
Pairing: Auron/Rikku
Warnings: Nope
Summary: Rikku goes treasure hunting and just when she gets the find of the century, a certain totally mean, totally dumb someone lays claim to it. Split into two parts because of its length - Rikku's dialog was a blast to write, so I let her blabber away unfettered. Very mild Rikku/Auron.

In which our beloved heroine comes, sees, and conquers, and then gets totally pwn't. )