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Monday, May 3rd, 2004

    Time Event
    trip to the graveyard
    On friday night, me and my boyfriend went to a cemetary that is near his apartment. He was trying to look for his great-grandparents graves.
    I was wandering around by myself. I always carry my camera with me. I was taking pictures, and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I could feel the energy around me, and I kept thinking there was somebody walking around me. But there was nobody there.
    I took pictures, had my flash on. Most of them came out black, except the ones when I wasn't near the graves [there is stairs and such], or the ones where I was near the new graves. I used paint shop pro to try and lighten them up, so most of them look kind of weird.
    I've never had a problem with my digital camera, taking pictures during the nighttime. I have plenty pictures, where things show up. Also, for alot of the time I was taking pictures, it wasn't even dark out. It was weird.

    they can be found at http://public.fotki.com/DeathInTheFlesh/cemeteries/graveyard/ + http://public.fotki.com/DeathInTheFlesh/cemeteries/graveyard/page2.html

    I moved stuff around on my hosting site, so everything got all messed up.

    Current Mood: thoughtful

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