Phoenix Retold

January 13th, 2013

Phoenix Retold


January 13th, 2013

Piotr and Victoria

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Despite the damage from the storm, it didn't take long for Kayla to get to Victoria's, Piotr behind her on the motorcycle. She drove fast and had no problem swerving around downed branches and potholes, but she was careful; she'd never let anything happen to Piotr. When they stopped, Kayla pulled off her helmet and ran her hand through her hair. "You good?" she asked her little brother, waiting for him to get off the bike so she could do the same.


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Puck didn't waste any time getting to the pub. He and Bri had been in a holding pattern for a while now--they talked, they hung out, they flirted, and then Bri shut things down before things went anywhere. She had her reasons, or so Puck assumed, so he just enjoyed what he got and didn't expect more than that.

Now they had definitely broken out of their holding pattern.

Puck got to the bar first, and he went ahead and got himself a drink. He didn't plan on drinking too much, though; he had to make sure Bri got home safely.


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It was all so perverse she couldn't help but love it. The boy who refused to grow up and the girl who never could. It really was delicious.

Saoirse invited Caden over and left the store room where she'd been doing inventory to go upstairs to her apartment. There was a second level entrance from the outside, but it was the window that lead out to her fire escape that she left cracked open. Just in case.
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