Phoenix Retold

January 1st, 2013

Phoenix Retold


January 1st, 2013

Jackson and Luke

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Michaela had gone ahead and made up all of the empty beds and got together all the remaining blankets and pillows in case more people showed up needing the couches or floors. She was downstairs in the kitchen when she heard a knock on the kitchen door--people who lived at the farm rarely came in the front door--and called out, "Come in!"


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The roads were pure insanity thanks to the storm, which looked in no mood to lighten up. Thankfully, Lex was used to a little insanity. He swerved and fishtailed and hydroplaned on and off the road, singing snips of show tunes and heavy metal as he peered through the windshield (which was so beaten with rain that it was almost impossible to see out of.)

Pure luck and good instincts led him to the church, and he skidded in with a triumphant yell, tooting the horn three times before laying on it for one long beat--a signal to Cooper that it was him.

Lex leaned over and pushed open the door as he saw Cooper running for the vehicle. He grabbed the towel and had one laying across the seat and another open and waiting to wrap around Cooper (along with a massive bear hug) when he dove into the cab.

"You made it," Lex said with a wide, sweet smile, pressing a completely chaste kiss to Cooper's cold, wet neck. "Did any pieces fall off?"
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