Phoenix Retold OOC

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Phoenix Retold OOC



January 3rd, 2013

Calling all Sentinels

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If you have a Sentinel that you want to toss around tonight/tomorrow, let me know here! Give me present name and past life name.

December 31st, 2012

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November 12th, 2012

Sign off!

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Hey guys! I haven't seen some of you around, so it'd be great if you could reply here if you've been talked to or read up and understand what is going on. If you notice that someone hasn't repped, could you reach out and point them this way? My 'net will continue to be unreliable with work and Sandy still making things a little iffy here in Brooklyn, so it would be a big help.


November 7th, 2012


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Hi guys,
Here's what's happening with the new plot. 'Next-Gen' characters will be coming through to Boston for about three months (though some will be staying). However, they won't be coming through from just one future- they'll be coming in from one of a possible three.

Light: This is the universe where the reincarnate battle played out the longest (10 Years) The Nothing began influencing its "dark" characters and using mythic monsters etc. Harbingers (like Gmork) began piling on the city.
The Sentinels fought to keep the doors closed, but it caused a majority of them to burn out or die. Healers were overtaxed, trying to kepe up and likely died.
Finally the dark gods were either killed or sacrificed themselves - the Nothing was defeated, the war ended.
The next generation was raised openly, as reincarnates, hearing stories about the war heroes. The war heroes were gloried in books, songs, memorials. The majority of Boston is reincarnate.
It's a bittersweet victory though, for so much was lost.

Dark: : Again, the battle rages, but this time, a few of the Dark Gods help the Nothing strongly, the balance it tipped toward the dark winning, and it happens much quicker than the Light battle raged. (4 Years)
Because of the time fewer dead, reincarnate Boston is swathed in the Nothing, which means no one remembers being a reincarnate save the powered people (Gods, sentinels, etc)
The gods are essentially, well. GODS. They control Boston completely, willingly or not. The Light Gods are killed and some of the Sentinels...twist.
There is a small rebellion of powered who try to fight back, but it dwindles more and more and more.
The next generation think their parents, who remember reincarnation, are insane- because that's crazy. For most people, life is...mundane. Not very pleasant- kind of oppressed and unhappy, like all of the creativity has been drained out. The city is gray, and detached.

Neutral: Business as usual. Battle goes on as a low rumble with no side winning. Occasional flare up of zombies, etc, but pretty serene.

OOC: limited pb sharing, First names can overlap,

General: If character dies they can be reincarnated with both live memories (IE: New incarnate with Aslan and Paul's memories); new technology allows for artificial wombs (think independent incubators/small tanks) and gene combinations regardless of gender.

Of note: Gods of the opposite side all die (Ie: all dark gods dead in light, all light gods dead in dark) as well as their acolytes dying or being physically or emotionally very damaged (for instance, Colin is a paraplegic in the light universe.)

In the comments give a line or two (or more!) about what each of your characters have going on in each universe.

August 9th, 2012

Two Things, Both Plot-Related

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1) The Nothing is fighting back, though in a more subtle way. See, it has such a stranglehold on Boston because it has convinced so many people that it--and reincarnation in general--does not exist. What with the awakening of people and powers, it is losing control. It is slipping. So it is going to gently push. What it needs to do is either convince single, strong reincarnates that they are losing their minds (by gaslighting, by subtle plays, by making shadows move) or are in danger and thus should move away (literal stalkers, breakins, threats in the mail, threatening crowds (remember that the Nothing is making people more antagonistic and bigoted, so if your character is gay, a person of color, a woman...basically anything but a straight white male just going about his business, you may encounter some negative attention or even light (or extreme if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time) violence.)

The Nothing is also targeting couples, specifically couples who have something of a fandom following. The stronger/bigger the following, the worse things can get for your characters and the harder the Nothing is trying to smash your happiness and break you up. It can do this the way it broke up Ethan and Liam, basically planting false images in their heads. Or by making them irritable and prone to fighting (like Tobias and Ian). Or by confusing them and making them believe they broke up (like Xander and Jules). It doesn't want these epic reincarnation romances to work.

Now, if you are aware, you are aware that this is happening. You see through the tricks and know the Nothing is trying to sabatoge you. If not? You are either really confused or you fall for it.

You do not have to opt in on this. Even if you are playing THE pairing that wins at the internets, you don't have to. But the Nothing is trying to muck things up and if you feel like playing along, do so! Aware people can try to fix things, play cupid, etc., because the more mythic pairings/loves/fandom followings are brought together, the weaker the Nothing is because it sparks remembrance. Some awares will even fight back fiction.

2) Awaring is going very slowly. If you are itching to aware for any reason, reply with your character name here and I'll arrange for it.

3) Essence of Thyme is BACK. It is still very much a work in progress, with people chipping in when and how they can, but if you are aware, you may go there. And, a new trick: sometimes, very rarely, when you go to Essence as an Aware person, you can temporarily transform into your reincarnate self. (But smaller, if you were a dragon or something.) It always goes away the moment you leave and enter the mundane world again, but magic, it is strong there right now.

August 5th, 2012


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Oh for the love of...

So that thread just below this? That was meant to go in AMX, not Nix. Just...pretend it isn't there.

*hides away*

August 2nd, 2012

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So, THIS typo happened:

Hiro was sitting in a booth, shifting on the crackled vinyl and sipping his cherry cock.

June 30th, 2012

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Friend Button is here!

June 22nd, 2012


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We're picking up here just after the party (though feel free to keep rping party scenes, esp any reincarnate scenes.) A reminder of the shit that went down is here:

The most important part:

And then midnight chimes. A few things happen at this point. The lights go out. A storm cracks open over the mansion, windows blowing in, glass shattering. Lightning hits the tree the gods are gathered near, knocking them all unconscious. All acolytes are felled too, collapsing and/or convulsing. Warriors feel a spike of incredible adrenaline, healers feel sudden sharp pain, makers get a sudden, collective vision of the manor as a mechanized fortress, prophets get dizzy and will see the faces of the sentinels imprinted on their minds eye for weeks, sentinels will feel nameless fear and hear growling at the door, and archivists…aware. Instantly, immediately aware. They know who they are, who they were, what the Nothing made them forget. They see the Nothing everywhere around them, like a thick, living smog. They recognize all reincarnates as reincarnates, as well as who they were. They know all names of every reincarnate they meet (past and present lives). They recognize people with special abilities and know what they are able to do.

Instant, immediate awareness and overload.

As for everyone else, the fear passes within a few minutes, as does the adrenaline, dizziness, and pain. The makers are still left with ideas ticking in their heads of how to fortify the manor…really, with the obsession of how to do it. The prophets still remember the faces of the sentinels and get a bit of a shock every time they see one, but can’t remember why it is important. Ambulances come for the gods, who are stirring, though slowly, and the acolytes, who begin to stir once their gods come to them. (Whether it is in the next few minutes or days later in the hospital—they will be comatose until their god touches them). The party is technically over but Wayne Manor is left open for people to stay in guest rooms if they do not want to brave the storm (which is a doozy, with near-hurricane-force winds.) You may play anything that happens in the manor after hours in separate threads. I encourage exploring, mystery, and sexy fun times!


We are starting in the aftermath, though you are free to define what part of the aftermath you're playing. (Minutes later? Hours? The next day or two? Just make it clear in the subject line.) Starting Monday, we're officially back on normal time.

Gods and acolytes are being taken/have been taken to the hospital. Acolytes are in comas until their gods can pull together enough to go to them. (An unaware compulsion). If you're not sure if you're an acolyte, check with your god! Sentinels are spooked beyond measure and archivists are...aware and suffering information overload.

And serious, explore the manor and have hot sex in guest rooms. It is like a rite of passage!

June 9th, 2012

Notice of...flakiness.

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I'm posting this here since I really don't want to have to explain it a dozen times. Sorry for being lazy about it.

Just got out of the Emergency Room. Not important what's wrong, but I'm okay now. I was released contingent upon bed rest for the next 3-5 days and absolute minimizing of stress.

So, while I'd love to rp (I need SOMETHING to do over the next few days) because my fibromyalgia is flaring in response to the problem, I'm muzzy-brained and very very slow. I'm happy to have threads, but if it's something that needs to be done quickly (for character development, etc) I'm probably not the best person to play with.



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Hey guys.

Just wanted to let you all know that I will be reintroing my guys here soon! It's just been a long week and I'm still working out a few things concerning the year gap for a few of them. So I'll throw them in as soon as I can, promise!

June 8th, 2012

Gala Setup

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Gala Setup )

May 29th, 2012


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This is Alonzo Montoya, aka douche Montoya. He is conservative, Republican, and very strongly does not approve of homosexuality.

You can see why he and his brothers and sister don't get along.

May 28th, 2012

Introducing Lorelai

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This is Lorelai Cullen! She's a midwife who likes to tease that she can see the future. She was hired by Rosalie and Aharon to oversee Rosalie's pregnancy and the two have grown...very close. Very, very close. She's always there, Wagners and Twilighters, so you may as well embrace her. She has a fondness for shoes, a love of music (though she'll never sing, thanks) and a passion for the outdoors.

If you notice the palpable sexual tension between Lorelai and Rosalie, don't tell Aharon. His head may explode.

She also, for anyone who did some digging on her, has no past. Nada. Zip. Nothing to be found.

Introducing Victoria Grayson

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This is Victoria Grayson, of the Boston Graysons. She comes from a very old, very desperate family. The old money is gone and it is up to the individual members of the clan to scratch and claw their way back to the top.

Victoria has no problem clawing whomever it takes, but she is very good at covering her tracks and playing nice.

May 22nd, 2012


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Here is a new button!

Idea and Query

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I had an idea for how to work out all the complicated changes in characters' lives that we need to remember (so many to remember...) as we restart play. Anyone who is willing and able should post a very short recap of what happened in their characters' lives within the body of their journal. Any breakups, any major changes, any shifts in friendship, etc. Even if the update is as simple as "No change! So-and-so is still married to Character X, has Job Y, and takes evening classes at School Z," it's helpful to have that reminder. People are free (encouraged!) to comment on these changes OOC to leave their own notes--whether these be ideas for hookups/fights, reactions to changes in so-and-so's life, friendships that formed, etc. Just add an ETA with any changes once the comments are worked out. These can serve as your character reintroductions...though if you feel moved to write Third Person Reintroductions as well, I say go for it.

Official-official restart begins on 6/1, do people feel about a trickle start beginning, well, once people are geared to start? (I am so eager...) We'd talked about it but didn't come down firmly (other than Kari making us promise nothing really cool or important would happen until she was back, which-- I promise, Kari!) Since there will be no major plot events for awhile (just the Nothing, repressing peoples' memories), we're in a pretty good place to slowly trickle people in. And it's a good excuse to set up each character for full play, ready for a ball/gathering on 6/1.


May 4th, 2012


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If you character was a special class (god, sentinel, warrior, etc) and you'd like to continue as a member of that class, reply here to that specific tab to let me know. If you don't want to continue as that special class, simply do not reply and your powers will not return.


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A year has passed--that's a lot of time for characters who didn't otherwise know each other to meet and form friendships. With that in mind, go ahead and reply here if you're looking for friends, want to reconnect with friends, or want to otherwise reconfirm friend groups. Please read through all reps before posting your own asking for friends--it's much better to reply to what is already in place than to have endless posts asking! We'll need to know your character's name, age, general personality, and what circles they run in. (Are they a dancer? Do they go to Harvard? Do they hang out at comic book stores?) What kinds of friendships are you looking for? Those sorts of things.

For established reincarnate or friend groups (like the LARPers or the Harry Potter clan) put your group name in the subject line. If you're open to new people joining, add OPEN to the end. Remember that characters tend to get cliquey, so try not to spread your character too thin in too many groups--unless that's just part of their personality, in which case, talley ho!

Families! Feel free to post your own OOC entries to plan out what happened to the family as a whole.

Drop Post

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If you'd like to drop a character, please reply here in the following format:

friend remove journalname

No questions asked!
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