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Posted on the 20th of March, 2020

Comment here and let me know if there's anything that I need to improve on or if something needs to be fixed with my characters indefinitely.
Please comment anonymously. Your comments will be screened. This will save me the trouble of knowing who you are and having a grudge against anyone, or anyone else doing the same. :)

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Real Update [
Posted on the 20th of March, 2011

i'll be working on this periodically to actually help develop my characters.
not just...pretend to be retarded with all of them at one time.
like i always do.

anyway, this place shall become your grave ... be the best that it ever has been!
i've got a lot of stuff lined up, so if you want secrets or if you want to plot with my characters just gimme a ho~lla~

Albel's Secrets, Friendships, History at PLC [
Posted on the 7th of October, 2010

PLC Albel Nox: Secrets, Friendships, History )

good god, she's back again... [
Posted on the 10th of June, 2010

i decided to steal this, just so that everyone of you can enjoy how evil i am. :))))

i love you, my babies. remember that, always. or i'll kill you, each and every one of you.

Directions: Write down twelve of your favorite characters. Number the list. Then click the cut for some very random questions. (Don't look at the questions before you've come up with the list or else you'll spoil it.)

1. Albel Nox (Star Ocean 3 - his normal bitchyself)
2. Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass)
3. Jade Curtiss (Tales of the Abyss)
4. Zelos Wilder (Tales of Symphonia)
5. Moses Sandor (Tales of Legendia)
6. Emperor Peony (Tales of the Abyss)
7. Makoto Kino (Sailor Moon)
8. Clovis (Code Geass)
9. Ion (Tales of the Abyss)
10. Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy VII - in general, ya know)
11. Velvet (Odin Sphere)
12. Hiroshi Nakano (Gravitation)

The questions:

1. Have you ever read a 6/11 fic? Do you want to? (Peony/Velvet)
LMFAO. blonde love plus rappigs and angst plus NO CORNELIUS? sure thang. sounds awesome.

2. Do you think 4 is hot? How hot? (Zelos)
daaaamn. um. probably a ten on my scale, just because i look at sexy fanart andhelooksalotsexierforsomereasonwithLloyd...but still good with Sheena. :)b

3. What would happen if 12 got 8 pregnant? (Hiro/Clovis)
wow. good god. i wouldn't want Hiro around for Clovis's mood swings!! but they would probably get along and try to make it work. Hiro's pretty easy to get along with and he wouldn't just back out of something like that. :') he's a grown up!

4. Can you rec any fics about 9? (Ion)
... ARE there any fics of Ion?! idk. i couldn't think of anything involving Ion doing ANYTHING unless it's like...original Ion and um, Arietta. is that her name? idk, i can't remember. all i can think of is also fluff with Anise. anything hardcore, no fucking way. :|

5. Would 2/6 make a good couple? (Lelouch/Peony)
lol, hell no. Peony would get on Lelouch's nerves. if anything, Lelouch would geass Peony for his throne and kick him to the curb! it's Lelouch vi Britannia of the Malkuth Empire!! :D~

6. 5/9 or 5/10? Why? (Moses/Ion), (Moses/Tifa)
DEF /not/ Moses&Tifa. good god. Tifa only wants in Cloud's pants! that's it! that's her only goal in life is to raise those children and someday get into Cloud's pants to get some. ... but um, Moses&Ion would be cute. since Moses&Jay is always cute to me - it's the same, except less bitchy!

7. What would happen if 7 walked in on 2 and 12 having sex? (Makoto, Lelouch/Hiro)
...she would be wondering if they're drunk. that's the first thing. then she would probably leave the room - pronto. XD; nothing would be said or anything, she'd pretend like nothing went on!

8. Make up a summary for a 3/9 fic. (Jade/Ion EPIC!)
oh. my god.
are we doing this?
fuck yeah. >:)
so. it would probably be like the whole "am i really a clone? D:" and then Jade being a smartass and Ion talking about how he has to die when he reads the last stone, whatevs. and Jade will be like, "well we'll never forget you" and then Ion cries and is like, "but i'll miss you, Jade!" then there's some warm hugging and fluffffffs and kissies. nothing hardcore. ION IS INNOCENT, GOD DAMNIT. ... unless this is about original Ion, and it's not. idk what he was like! i bet he was a crazy fuck or something for all i know. o_o' but yeah. then Anise would be jealous. THE END!

9. Is there any such thing as 1/8 fluff? (Albel/Clovis)
NO. THERE WOULD BE ONLY HATE. HATE HATE HATE AND ANGER. >:( ...poor Clovis. if anything, it'd be vicious rape...of hatred.

10. Suggest a title for a 7/12 hurt/comfort fic. (Makoto/Hiro)
My Only Love? ... uh. Our Last Song? lmfao. i suck at titles of any kind. XD;

11. What kind of plot would you use if you wanted 4 to deflower 1? (Zelos/Albel)
wow. damn Zelos. if you got that desperate, let girls know! you can have any of them! D:
but um. it would probably be something like, um...Zelos thinks Albel is a girl, so he locks Albel in a room. but AH HA! he's not a girl after all...and then it ends in Zelos being raped. ... because he angered Albel and made him horny so he can't get away. :|

12. Does anyone on your flist read 7 slash? (Makoto)
uhhhh. does anyone? idk. probably. i mean, lmfao idk!

13. Does anyone on your flist read 3 het? (Jade)
if they don't, then they should be beaten. >:|

14. Does anyone in your flist write/draw 11? (Velvet)

15. Would anyone on your flist write 2/4/5? (Lelouch/Zelos/Moses)
...god damn. if you did, you'd be my hero. idk how they hell they would all get together or how they could deal with MOSES and his redneck bullshit! XDDD;

16. What might 10 scream at the moment of passion? (Tifa)
CLOUD! XDDDDDDDDD ::is shot!::

17. If you wrote a song-fic about 8, which song would you choose? (Clovis)
...all i could think was Supermassive Blackhole - Muse. ... oh! fucking, um, Under the Rose - HIM or The Love from a Dead Orchestra - Versailles. :)

18. If you wrote a 1/6/12 fic, what would the warnings be? (Albel/Peony/Hiro)
WTF. that's all it would have to say. just what the fuck.

19. What might be a good pick up line for 2 to use on 10? (Lelouch/Tifa)
... "I order you to have sex with me, girl." :D he would like her boobies!!

20. When was the last time you read a fic about 5? (Moses)
uh. never? i can't find any Moses&Jay ones to save my life! D':

21. What is 6 super sekrit kink? (Peony)

22. Would 11 shag 9? Drunk or sober? (Velvet/Ion)
drunk. how in the fuck could anyone want to have sex with Ion unless you're a total pedo. i swear. >:T

23. If 3 and 7 get together, who tops? (Jade/Makoto)
Jade. ... yep.

24. How would you feel if 7/8 was canon? (Makoto/Clovis)
i would be like, wtf. seriously. that wouldn't be cool. Clovis is too girly to be with a lady!!!

25. 1 and 9 (Albel/Ion) are in a happy relationship until 9 suddenly runs off with 4 (Zelos). 1, broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with 11 (Velvet) and a brief unhappy affair with 12 (Velvet), then follows the wise advice of 5 (Moses) and finds true love with 3 (Jade).
give me a moment.
that was brillant, really. i like, snorted aloud. it was so funny!! XD;
anyway. Ion would probably run off with Zelos because he thinks Albel is trying to hurt having sex with him. and Zelos is like, "you're a cute girl~~ just like Colette. you're my new angel, babe." and that's where he would seal the deal!
afterwards, Albel meets Velvet while he's drunk. they're both half naked, so it was easy. then he's like, "OH MY GOD. I HAD SEX WITH A GIRL."
so he finds Moses who's with Geet and they're being bffs. so Albel's jealous and he's like, "i want a bff. /angst" and Moses says Jade might be an awesome friend because he has glasses. ... and guys with glasses are basically fucking awesome.
after Albel and Jade get over their hate/sarcasm deal, then they begin to like eachother. and Albel's like, "i like your glasses" and Jade's like, "you're okay, i guess. i like your hips and your bony ribs" and then they fall in love! THE END! :3

Name three people on you flist who might read it and name one person who should write it.
lmao. whoever wants it!

☾M U S E S☽ [
Posted on the 28th of February, 2009

full muselist )

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