August 28th, 2014


open // let's go to the movies?

[ Amy woke up to find herself at the front of a movie theatre. It was a stark contrast to the otherwise more modern surroundings, but it somewhat felt familiar. More to herself... ]

It's just like in mom and dad's postcards...

[ She approached the ticket booth, rapping gently against the glass, and trying to see if someone was there -- ]

Hello? Excuse me? Is anyone home~?

[ Nope (or wasn't she just looking hard enough?). She then took to looking around -- the popcorn machine was hot and running. Lights were on, framing the season's features. ]

Eeh~ I've wanted to see this one for a while now! Ah--! This one's still showing? It should be in 3D, right?

[ There were a few other features, and Amy can't seem to decide which one to watch first. THIS IS VERY SERIOUS BUSINESS!! Help her choose? ]

(( ooc: I've missed playing in DRs so~ |Da Have here Amy Yuuzuki of Zyuden Sentai Kyouryuuger! Somewhat considering for Kiseki :3a ))