November 23rd, 2011


[ Non-event | Voice test! ]

[ This guy might not look very determined right now, but he is a man with a goal. Said goal? To prove he can succeed without his family's help. He loves books, he wants to succeed as an editor own his own merits, even if his job consists of editing the kind of books he never thought he'd be involved with: Comic books for girls.

It's tiring, stressful and his work group, the Emerald branch of Marukawa Shoten, is full of freaks who are avoided by other editors.

Among those freaks there is his biggest source of dread and distraction: Genius Editor-in-Chief Takano Masamune. Takano is dedicated to his work and is capable in a way that he admires and feels jealous of. His boss is also a jerk! He takes extreme measures to make sure works gets done— such like harassing him on his first day of job, kissing him in front of a manga author just so she could have a kiss reference!

But you know what? That's not the worst...

Not paying attention to his surroundings, Ritsu sits on the nearest bench and lets out a deep and heavy sigh. Fate is cruel and has a twisted sense of humor: Why and how did he, of all people, end up editing shoujo manga with his former sweet heart from high school as his boss!?

{{ ooc: testing his voice, please come bother him~ }} ]