August 12th, 2011



[Non-event; Open]

[Summer in Edge could be a miserable experience for someone raised in the Nibel Mountains. Cloud found that, despite the enhancements that made him practically impervious to heat stroke, he didn't care for the sun pounding down on him all day long. Neither did he care for way the exhaust fumes from the growing city's traffic seemed to hang closer to the ground on the hottest days. Being near enough to a SOLDIER as to make no difference meant that Cloud got hit harder with the smell than just about anyone else in town.

Cloud sighed as he swung his leg over Fenrir and pulled out into traffic. He had just one more delivery to make. Then he could go home to Tifa and the kids and a nice, cold shower. He was looking forward to getting the dirt and grime of the road off his skin and out of his hair. It had been a long day, and he wanted a cold beer in a cool room where he could sit down and keep an eye on Denzel and Marlene while Tifa got the bar ready for the evening customers.

He was halfway to his last customer of the day when the world blinked out, to be suddenly replaced by an unfamiliar landscape out in the country somewhere. Cloud hit the brakes and frowned, taking a good look around for Aerith just in case. She'd been there the last time something like this had happened to him, but for once seemed to be absent. Huh.

Ill at ease, Cloud reached over his shoulder and freed the primary blade of his sword from its place against his back. Someone seemed to be messing with him, and he really wasn't in the mood.]

[ooc: First time in a dressing room. How I managed that in over a decade of RPing, I don't know. Cloud is post-DoC. I don't get to play him with canon icons instead of a PB, and I desperately want to!]