March 24th, 2011


[Event | Open]

[One moment, it was all fire and shrapnel and shrieking alarms, and the next moment it was...]

[... Cold. Snow. Allelujah sat up in the snow, trying to figure out what was going on.]

[He remembered snow, very vaguely. Of course, he had seen it on leave on Earth, but not often enough to really get accustomed to it. Faint snatches of memory that slipped through the cracks of a cold place, before he had been changed, made a Super Soldier... he couldn't help but dwell on brief flashes of white and color and cold and warmth that he thought might be memories.]

['Stop that, idiot. Where the hell are we?']

[Hallelujah grumbled from beside him and also inside his head.]

['Come on, you're a Super Soldier, stop sitting on your ass like you don't know what the hell you're doing.']

[... Right. Allelujah got up, brushed off his flight suit, and looked around. Time to scout out the area.]

[[ooc; Voice test for Marina Asylum.]]

non-event | open

[He's standing in an open field, head pointed toward the sky. He seems lost in thought - or perhaps just not there at all. Look closer and you can tell he's in awe - the brightness in his eyes, slack lips, and all that wonder.]

I can't believe I'm actually...

[He pulls out a sheet of paper from his pocket - a small one - and begins to fold it into an airplane.]

[ooc | series = macross!]