October 27th, 2010



[Event | Open]

[Never mind the strange place she has suddenly found herself. Never mind the long tail covered in green fur that swishes arhythmically behind her, or that her ears are now pointed and feline in appearance. Hiling has found something that interests her even more.

She crouches at the edge of a pond, her gaze fixed on the fish that swim below the surface. How long she has been there is anyone's guess, but the longer she watches, the more delicious they look. She tenses up, no longer able to resist, and with a sudden SPLASH, she strikes-- only to come back with a handful of water and pond flora. The fish have scattered and she sits in wait for their return as the surface smooths itself once again. Despite her lack of success, she seems to be enjoying herself.]

((ooc: evented and non-evented welcome. memories from Marina Asylum apply.))