July 14th, 2010


Non-Event | kinda Open

[Near found it quite unsettling to fall asleep in a certain place, and wake up in another place. It was unnerving to think he had been kidnapped, to say the least. And at that, without his knowledge, no memory of it.

But for now he's sitting inside some room, and he has a white puzzle in front of him. He's doing it quite perfectly, too - he puts in one piece, and finds the matching piece without looking at it.

Near will continue this until someone finds it in themselves to interrupt. Even then, he may ignore them.]

((ooc; Near from Death Note!! kind of for a certain person but you can reply if you really want to. some room is just some room, ok? i'd say a common room but i have no idea what the layout of this place is. kind of voice testing?? although i've rped him before and liked it. practice is good!!!!))