December 5th, 2009



[Non-event, closed]

[He's not unused to the strange things this place does sometimes, so when the three of them ended up split, it wasn't overly surprising.

Akito's not entirely sure where his other half has gone, but that's alright. Agito will be back whenever he finishes his run. The light leans back against the sofa and works on tuning the AT he has. Owner of said AT is lying on the lounge, stretched out comfortably. Feigning sleep, but Lind's aware of his surroundings really.

Akito hums and works on tuning, unaware of the surroundings. He does idly wonder where his brother is, before focusing on tuning and shutting everything else out]

[Event || Open]

[ Snow... Teito isn't really used to something like that, but his eyes glaze over slightly. Watching it fall feels... Familiar. He cannot place his finger on it at all, but there's something about the cold fluffy flakes falling that just scratches at the back of his mind. An old memory, perhaps? Does snow have something to do with the past that he has forgotten? In a little daze, the kid goes to investigate. ]