November 28th, 2009



[Non Event | Open]

[After his talk with Yuuri and Joshua and after committing some of the biggest mistakes of his life, Conrad heads out to the very edge of Sector 5 to try and get his feelings in order. He doesn't know how long he'll keep himself separated, but for a while at least. He can't afford to remain in a state that would cause him to do anything like that again. He fingers the sky-blue pendant he's wearing -- he made a promise, and he intends to keep it.]

[He's not looking for company, but within the dome there's always a chance someone will come upon him. He can only hope that he won't end up repeating his errors with anyone who might happen by.]

((OOC: Conrad Weller from Marina Asylum, but after some pretty heavy drama over in erato and in phantasos. Anyone from Marina is welcome if your character would be in sector 5 (or looking for Conrad) and you the player are ready for some serious emotastic-ness.]