October 17th, 2009


[Non-Event || Open]

[Right now Joshua is perched on top of a bench. His feet are actually on the seat and he is hunched over sitting on the back edge. Between his fingertips is a single white feather. Joshua toys with it, lost in his own thoughts at the moment. Normally he would be finding something else to do... Yet he really wants to know how Shibuya is fairing... It's important. Without a UG...

Well he really doesn't want to think too much on some of these implications]

Perhaps I should have looked at that disc...



[EVENT] 006


This week's theme is:


Men are women, women are men.


Reminder: Anything of the smexy nature can always carry over to [info]erato_dr!

Please use this post for Questions/Comments. Events are optional. Your mod fails at keeping a schedule, so change over time is TBD for right now. Sorry.

[Event || So Very Open]

[Waking up this morning... Fine just fine. It's not like Joshua needs sleep anyway, but still. This isn't funny anymore. Other little events happening here were all well and fine, but this? THIS? It's just taking it way too far.

It's not that his, because yes he will ever address himself as the other pronoun,  frame has changed all that much. Those silver curls might be a touch longer, but not by much. Still terribly scrawny and thin. The major difference would be the two soft mounds protruding from his chest. Or her chest? ... ... ... ... Didn't he just say that he isn't going to refer to himself as a "she?" Doesn't help that Joshua tends to wear that shirt practically revealing the difference.

And no, there is no checking up below the belt. That one is obvious too. So have a groan and a rather irritated, very female, Composer. Just short of shaking in rage.]


[Approach with caution.]