September 2nd, 2009


[Non-Event || Open]

[Well what do we have here? This room is completely empty. No one is inside... No furniture. Nothing. Why? Because everything that is movable is floating pretty close to the ceiling. Swirling... Twirling... Rotating. Just about anything but staying on the ground. Once again, the cause of this has yet to be seen. Joshua is bored and taking it out on the area around him... Do be careful... Wouldn't want to get hit on the head by some random flying object!]



[EVENT] 003


This week's theme is:

Petting Zoo

Animals are loose in the city! Fluffy ones, scaley ones, even ones that live in water.

They want your attention and love!

Please use this post for Questions/Comments. Events are optional and will be weekly, posted every Tuesday morning, EST.