August 11th, 2009


[No Subject]

[After 237 missions and wrestling with keeping his people awake and alive it had finally ended; the Cylons had finally stopped coming. He was exhausted, more than exhausted really and that usually meant he couldn't sleep anyway. Add to that the stims. As he lay back in his bunk and closed his eyes he wondered if he'd be able to sleep at all.

He came awake with a start and it took a few seconds to realize he was no longer in his bunk. Seconds which resulted in him landing rather inelegantly on his back on the ground. Wait a minute, he thought, the ground? What the frak? Climbing to his feet he looked around, a sense of vague familiarity niggling at the back of his brain. It finally dawned on him. This was Delphi, the other side of the city from the airfield where he'd received his flight training. What in the Gods' names was he doing here?

Hello is anyone out there? [The words were out before his muddled mind even had time to think about it. Gods, if anyone was, it was more likely to be a Cylon than anything else.]

((OOC-so since I gave Battlestar Galactica's Lee a start at the end of his journey at [info]bsg_dressing, I decided to go with close to the beginning here))