Please Leave All Your Morals At The Door -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Pethron Indilwen

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Drabble: Remember, SPN, PG-13, Gen [06 Dec 2007|06:19pm]
[ mood | evol ]
[ music | Miranda Lambert -- Gunpowder and Lead ]

Title: Remember
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mentions of violence and unfaithfulness; nothing worse than your average Supernatural episode. Although, Jes says it's a little creepy, which is what I was going for.
Spoilers: Um, general plotline spoilers.
Summary: People forget that she remembers what it was like to be the good girl, the dutiful daughter, the loved last child. Cut lyrics are from Miranda Lambert with a little bit of modification (one stinkin' word).
Beta: [info]jestana

I'm gonna show 'em what little girls are made of / gunpowder and lead )

Leave your morals at the door

[ viewing | December 6th, 2007 ]
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