Please Leave All Your Morals At The Door -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Pethron Indilwen

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Fic: Naughty Chibis, Torchwood, Jack/Ianto, implied chibiJack/chibiIanto, slightly R [10 Jun 2007|02:04pm]
[ mood | silly ]

Title: Naughty Chibis
Author: Dani
Rating: um, vaguely R?
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Ianto, implied chibiJack/chibiIanto, Gwen, Owen, and Tosh
Word count: 968
Summary: Owen, Gwen, and Tosh meet Torchwood's newest members
Spoilers: None
Notes: Written for the [info]whooligan Chibi!Verse Summer Challenge. I blame this entirely on [info]jestana! She was the one who told me about the summer challenge and she's the one who showed me [info]jesidres' work. So yes, ALL. HER. BLOODY. FAULT! *pouts prettily*

In which Dani displays her weird sense of humor )

Leave your morals at the door

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