Please Leave All Your Morals At The Door -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Pethron Indilwen

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Fic: The Benji Variation, Numb3rs AU, G [04 Jun 2007|09:47pm]
[ mood | full ]
[ music | Pain -- Three Days Grace ]

Title: The Benji Variation
Pairing/Characters: No pairing; Alan, Ben, and Charlie Eppes
Rating/Category: G/Gen
Word Count: 653
Spoilers: 2x07 Convergence, only the Penfield storyline, though.
Summary: Ben takes his turn trying to cheer Charlie up and helps in more ways than one.
Notes: I still say it’s [info]spikedluv's fault that Ben’s taken over my head. He keeps feeding me these ideas and I can’t help but write them. Takes place during Convergence, before Charlie talks to Marshall for the last time.

It's only as complicated as you make it, Charlie )

Leave your morals at the door

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