Please Leave All Your Morals At The Door -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Pethron Indilwen

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Fic: Bonding, BtVS, Spike/Xander preslash, R [04 Jan 2007|12:12pm]
[ mood | amazed ]

Yes, you read that right, BtVS. Neb managed to awaken my Buffy muses. \o/

Title: Bonding
Rating: R
Pairing: Spike/Xander preslash
Warnings: aside from slash and pigheaded men? Not a bloody thing.
Spoilers: Um, the episode where Warren shoots the scoobs, only with a few differences
Notes: For the lovely [info]authoressnebula, my partner in Michael Weatherly love. Set in an AU season six or seven. All you need to know is that Tara's still around, Joyce still died, Buffy never died so there's no first or Buffy/Spike angst (sorry, babes!). Completely unbetaed by anyone other than myself.

Bonding, BtVS, Spike/Xander preslash, R )

Leave your morals at the door

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