Please Leave All Your Morals At The Door -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Pethron Indilwen

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Fic links [22 Aug 2006|02:46pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Headlights On Dark Roads -- Snow Patrol ]

Rather than flood your journals with three stories at once, I'll post the links to the stories here, in the order they take place in real time.

Title: The New Addition
Pairing/Characters: Alan/Margaret; Alan, Margaret, Don, and Charlie Eppes
Rating/Category: G/Gen
Word Count: 343
Spoilers: None
Summary: Don and Charlie meet the new addition to the family
Notes/Warnings: [info]spikedluv just had to mention the possibility of a third brother. *sigh* And, me being me, I couldn’t turn down the opportunity to create a new character. Set WAY pre-series. We’re talkin’ 1982, here, folks.

The New Addition

Title: Good-Byes
Pairing/Characters: Alan/Margaret; the entire Eppes clan: Alan, Margaret, Don, Charlie, and Ben Eppes.
Rating/Category: PG/Gen
Word Count: 1,507
Spoilers: Overall plot of the series, but takes place pre-series
Summary: It’s hardest to say good-bye to those you love the best.
Warnings/Notes: implied character death, somewhat graphic description of bodily function. I’ve had this one in my head ever since I created Benji a few days ago and he finally convinced me to write it. This fic focuses on Benji’s reactions to Margaret’s death, I may write a story later that deals with his reactions to Don and Charlie’s respective coping methods, but that’s not a sure thing. Many thanks to [info]jestana for putting up with my griping about Benji. Love you, sis!


Title: Joker
Pairing/Characters: Charlie/Amita (unrequited); Alan, Ben, and Charlie Eppes, Larry Fleinhardt, and Colby Granger
Rating/Category: PG-13/Gen
Spoilers: 2x03 Obsession
Summary: Benji is a bit of a joker when it comes to his brothers.
Notes/Warnings: I don’t know what made me think of it, but Benji insisted that I write it and, apparently, his wish is my command. -_-;;; Mentions of violent behavior. I tried to slip Benji into the story without making his addition too obvious. Jes said I managed it, so I guess it’s okay.


Stay tuned for a new Benji!fic, coming to a livejournal near you! *cough* -_-'

Leave your morals at the door

Fic: Coping, Numb3rs, PG, Gen fic [22 Aug 2006|02:58pm]
[ mood | working ]
[ music | Haunted -- Poe ]

Title: Coping
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mentions of character death
Spoilers: Nothing specific, just overall plot of the series.
Summary: Everyone has different ways of coping with grief.
Notes: Takes place pre-series, one month after Good-Byes. For anyone who read the preview I posted on my personal journal, this is the same fic, I just made some changes to the section I posted.
Beta: [info]jestana

Alan insisted that Margaret would have wanted Ben to finish out the semester before transferring to a local university so, with more than a few reservations, Ben returned to Stanford to finish the last month of the semester. )

Leave your morals at the door

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