June 18th, 2009

[info]__poseidon in [info]peripeteia_rpg

Who: Dylan Marshall (Poseidon) and Astrid Rhoda Lennon (Aphrodite)
What: Dylan convinced her to meet him.
Where: Kavoras
When: A little before seven
Rating: Not sure
Status: In progress

The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore )

[info]phobos_ in [info]peripeteia_rpg

She was Armenian!

Who: Keiran (Deimos) and Jackson (Phobos)
What: Jackson's looking for a job
Where: Psirri
When: 2pm after the bar opens
Rating: PG13? There might be some cussing
Status: Complete

'Is Greece close to Armenia?' 'No... not really.' )
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