The Percy Ficathon's Journal
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Saturday, August 25th, 2007

    Time Event
    A gift for gelsey!
    Title: Thinking Logically
    Author: TBA
    Giftee: [info]gelsey
    Pairing/Characters: mainly Percy/Hermione, but also Bill/Fleur and background Ron/Hermione
    Rating: NC-17
    Word Count: ~8,300
    Warnings: smut, oral, depression and consequences
    Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter or the Potterverse, nor do I own Percy Weasley (as much as I dream about it)
    Summary: I’ve never even seen that much blood, Percy, and I’m friends with Harry Potter.
    Author's Notes: I hope you enjoy this, [info]gelsey! Of the prompts, I tried to use Percy/Hermione, Percy doing what he thinks is right, despair, and of course, smut =) Hopefully it worked out without being too melodramatic. Feedback is always love. Thanks to the mods for their patience and this fic, to my betas (there’s a couple of them who provided great feedback), and to [info]gelsey for giving me the opportunity to write this fic!

    Thinking Logically )

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