The Percy Ficathon's Journal
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Thursday, August 23rd, 2007

    Time Event
    A gift for xanphibian!
    Title: Carrying On
    Author: TBA
    Giftee: [info]xanphibian
    Pairing/Characters: Percy/Snape
    Rating: R
    Word Count: 8,836
    Warnings: DH Spoilers, Highlight for warnings *violence, brief moments of torture, canon character deaths*
    Disclaimer: These fictional characters were created by and belong to JKR. She has the castle, I haveā€¦ well, let's not go there.
    Summary: When Percy looks back on this year, all he will say is "I did what I had to do."

    Author's Notes: Many thanks go to my betas, who came through at the last minute for me, and to the person I bounced all my ideas and thoughts off of. Much love. (FYI - There are direct quotes from DH in this fic. Please don't blame me for that grammar.)

    Carrying On )

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