Headers for fic and art
Hi there, Percy fans! I hope all is going well with your assignments. I received the first submission today, and it's wonderful! I'm really excited to see what everyone comes up with. Remember, I am always available if you need help with anything at all, including just brainstorming plot ideas with you. You can email me at percyficmods@gmail.com
Below are the headers you should use when submitting your fic or art.
Author: (just for my reference; will be omitted at time of posting) Giftee: Title: Pairing/Characters: Rating: Word Count: Warnings: Disclaimer: Summary: Notes: (optional--you can thank your betas here or put a note to your giftee, for example)
Artist: (just for my reference; will be omitted at time of posting) Giftee: Title: Pairing/Characters: Rating: Warnings: Disclaimer: Summary: Notes: (optional--you can thank your betas here, list your medium, or put a note to your giftee, for example)