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[30 Sep 2009|11:37am]

Well hi there! We have three new additions toady, so please make an effort to make them feel welcome and get them involved with storylines!

AJ Buckley [info]v_leveson Here vileveson
Asia Argento [info]vittoriapi Here vittorianromance
Feign Suicide [info]erinnyes Here perfecterinyes

2C: [info]v_leveson has moved in, next door to [info]lawson_ and [info]devonhayes.
3D: [info]erinnyes has moved in with [info]ashmaddox, next door to [info]mora.
4A: [info]vittoriapi has moved in, next door to [info]htomi and [info]sunhee

Sorry, there was a mistake with the removals listed earlier. The following people need to update by Sunday:
archerc, baileemarie, ddane, ewhalen, htomi, idrizi, jaemin, mmouse, padmeamy, theodavidson, trnty.
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[18 Aug 2009|06:25pm]

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