pbs by ariel - January 3rd, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
pbs by ariel

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January 3rd, 2011

+468 kaya scodelario [Jan. 3rd, 2011|12:10 am]


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kaya scodelario.
part one | part two

* apologies for the varying quality. the lighting in series 4 is consistently washed out and awful.

delusional, i believed i could cure it all for you dear. coax or trick or drive or drag the demons from you. make it right for you, sleeping beauty. truly thought i could magically heal you. you're far beyond all visible sign of your awakening. failing miserably to rescue sleeping beauty. drunk on ego, truly thought i could make it right if i kissed you one more time to help you face the nightmare but you're far too poison for me. such a fool to think that i could wake you from your slumber, that i could actually heal you, sleeping beauty. poisoned and hopeless. )
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