December 2008



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Dec. 6th, 2008


wolves & werewolves

[info]seethesoldiers posted icons of wolves -

Here - from Blood and Chocolate - mostly snarling wolves
Here - from Dr Who - a werewolf
Here - from Underworld: Evolution - a werewolf
Here and Here - from Van Helsing - werewolves
Here and Here - a bunch of wolf shots, including snarling, running, and howling


Stuart Townsend

[info]seethesoldiers posted some Stuart Townsend -

Here - from Chaos Theory, short haired


Stuart Townsend

[info]brain_freeze in [info]in_the_freezer posted some Stuart Townsend -

Here - from Queen of the Damned


Stuart Townsend

[info]pbsonastick posted some Stuart Townsend -

Here - short haired, great variety, one text, two with Charlize


Stuart Townsend

[info]sickcaticons in [info]haggardassicons posted some Stuart Townsend -

Here - short haired, some black and white, small variety, a few shots with girls, one with a dog

Dec. 4th, 2008


Community Info

I love Icons, but I rather suck at making them, so I'm always on the lookout for great makers. When I see Icons of PBs people I know play with, I can't help but link them. This community is sort of an extension of that idea.

No original icons will be posted here, just links to icons of particular PBs that have been posted that I am interested in, or those that I know others who are watching will be interested in. I will not link to locked sets.

The two best places here on IJ to find icons are:

Both of which are well-tagged.

Icon makers, if you're interested in affiliating, just let me know in a comment here. :)

Anyone interested in more icons for a specific PB, please fill out the following form:

Name of celebrity:
Link to a single photo: (for reference, just in case)
Specifics: (Particular needs like age or hair coloring or specific movies you prefer to use for the PB)

Thank you for your interest in this community.

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