It had me low, and it had me down
Who: Nyx and Geb What: Sean goes out to a jazz club where he meets Cat. Where: A jazz club When: October 15 Warnings: None yet
Sean's body and breath was still being constricted here and there, and boy did it like to appear at just the wrong time. He had fallen out of many a difficult position in his advanced classes and had to break meditation. Luckily, he was finding ways around it, and tried to only do a lot of poses in the beginner class or when really necessary. He was grateful that it hadn't been costing him his job so far, and he simply prayed that it was nothing serious, especially since he didn't exactly have medical insurance. The body constricted he could easily excuse as restless leg or too much exercise over too short a time frame, but when you threw in shortness of breath, Sean was clueless. Also, thankfully Karin was a big help and extremely understanding and calming. Sean wasn't used to someone having to calm him, not since college, which felt like another life, but it felt refreshing.
Having a bit of a lazy evening, Sean was sitting in his living-room smoking a joint, watching television, Law and Order SUV to be exact. He took a long drag from the joint, engrossed in a particular episode with Jeremy Irons. When the show went to commercial, Sean got up and headed to the kitchen, joint hanging out of his mouth. He went into the lower cabinet and reached for a box of cereal, heart shaped Kashi, shaking the nearly empty box. However, as he shook the box, disappointed in how little was left, something else began to shake, the whole apartment. Sean started to head to a doorframe for saftey, but as he did so he passed by a window. Something caught the corner of his eye, something so simple, but it made him stop and head over to the window. Out there in the street was a woman chattering away on her cell phone like nothing was happening, while Sean was shaking so badly he felt he was about to throw up. When he looked further, there were many people outside, simply going about their business.
Sean calmly put out his joint in the kitchen sink and tried to remember exactly how much he had. His first instinct was to run to Karin, but when he got a good whif of himself, he remembered how much he indeed did smoke, and something told him that Karin wouldn't be too happy. Besides, it really wasn't anything to freak out over was it? There was absolutely no reason to worry Karin further, HE was the one that was supposed to be supportive, not the other way around. Maybe now was a good time to go out to that Jazz club he had wanted to go to. One or two drinks certainly couldn't hurt, it would definitely help.
So Sean made a quick clothing change and put on a pair of blue jeans, a grey tee-shirt and a black blazer as an afterthought. After all, putting on pants that buttoned and zipped was dressing up for Sean.