Unknown the Unlit World of Old Who: Nyx and Erebos What: Dream History! Whut? Where: Dreamland, the Greek Underworld When: Before recorded history/last night Warnings: None yet!
She was alone.
This place wasn't real, but it was as she remembered; the very edge of the world, a place that had existed before all else. She remembered her mother, whom she hadn't seen in so much time she'd forgotten what time was. Her children -- all her sweet, beautiful children, all faded away, gone to sleep. She knew they continued to exist, just as she did, but not as they had, and only in memory, in relics.
But this awareness itself indicated that something was changing. She felt herself stirring, she felt the draw of this new world where they didn't know her name. Her legs hung over the edge as she looked down on the half-formed earth, all sea and greyness. She stretched her dark wings, spreading them around her, as though remembering the difference between herself and the mortal body she inhabited.
She was confused; she didn't entirely understand. She knew that Catherine was some part of her, or perhaps the reverse, but it was so difficult to awaken. Sometimes she thought she heard her Erebos' voice, or her sweet Eris', but everything felt half-dreamed and missing.
She was alone.
Her wings closed around her as she pulled her knees to her chest, feeling like the child she hadn't been in so very, very long.