Lia grinned at Riley's response to her compliment, then reached out to brush her hair back from her face in a repeat of the other girl's gesture. "I do think so - you're a classic, Riley. Beautiful. You've got your own style, for sure, but don't ever let all that boxing make you forget that you're stunning." She smiled then leaned back against the counter, taking a break from putting things away. "And really! I have pictures to prove it; though those stay in the vault." She winked with a grin.
Pushing herself away from the counter, she took some whole-grain crackers out of the bag they were in, then put them away in a cabinet. "Four years - that's fantastic," she said with a smile over her shoulder. "You're probably great. I'd love to see you in the ring," Lia said.
When Riley asked her what she did, she smiled up at her, leaning down to reach into a bag. "Oh, me? I have a radio show out of LA, and a weekly column in the Times," she replied. It was a point of just a little pride for Lia; she'd worked hard to get where she was, hadn't accepted favors that would have been easy to take. "It's a lot of fun," she said, grabbing the cheese and guacamole and putting them in a drawer in the fridge.