Who: Sarah & Vince. What: Vince sees Sarah checking her mail on his way out, and decides to pretend that instead of being on his way out, he's actually on his way in checking his mail, too. Bada-bing. Where: Lobby. When: (Evening?) Warnings: Dubious.
The whole car-rattling-situation thing had to be put off. Honestly? He was sinking into the delightful comfort of having not too much to do aside from putting thought into precisely what TO do. It is the habit of those who have an analytical enough mind, or at least those who are enough ambitious, to retreat within themselves for a few days, maybe even weeks, for the purpose of self-reflection and the surmounting of inward dilemmas. It is also a practice of the lazy to create really appealing ways to excuse themselves from doing the stuff they ought to be doing. He actually had many tasks that rightfully should have been attended to already; he was immaturely denying them, on account of his being in denial of them. There was a call late last night, missed, from his mother, which he knew harbored bad news. He could just feel it. The red circle indicative of an unheard voicemail uninvitingly loomed at the bottom of his iPhone like the bulbous nose of a hired birthday clown that just wouldn't leave until you did something about it.
Obviously, he was pretending nothing was going wrong in his life. Putting his hands up to ears when the accent of trouble spoke, and singing gratuitously lalalalala to block the intrusion.
Which never worked, but... we digress.
This evening was a nice Ralph Lauren night, burnished black shoes, simply because he had worn all of his other clothes and hadn't gotten around to doing his laundry. Once this suit was unwearable, he had another few dozen of them to prolong his eventually having to do laundry at all. Vince was on his way out and halfway passed the glass doors, when he caught sight of a familiar figure coming into the lobby, and going to check its mail...
A very familiar figure indeed. And thus he rewound his steps, opened the door back up boldly dropping the task of picking up pasta supplies, and announced boldly while he extracted his keys:
"Oh hey, checking your mail? What coincidence, me too."
He lied through his immaculate, pearly white teeth, which caught the light just so and seemed to blend into Heaven.