"You may," she said, grinning at his formality. "And you definitely may."
She slid into the offered seat, crossing her legs as she looked up at him. Mid-thirties, suit, so formal that she probably should have been intimidated - but Fiona had never been smart enough to know when to be intimidated. Instead, he felt familiar to her, kind of like New York versus Chicago -- really different cities, but with enough similarities to make you think they might be related.
Not that she imagined she was related to this guy. Even if he did have the dark hair, light eyes thing going. What was with that around here?
Either way, it made her curious, and more open to him than she normally might have been.
"No problem," she said as the waitress came over. "Can I get a Guinness? Thanks."
She turned back to Elias.
"So, nice to meet you. Something's rotten in the state of Newport. What's up?"