He stood immediately - a gesture he was almost certain would be lost on this modern young lady. Her face and hands looked to belong to a woman of her mid twenties, confirming his previous supposition.
"Elias Sandoa," he responded. "May I assume that you are Fee? And may I offer you a drink?"
As he asked, it felt the most natural and easiest question to put to her -- and some twisted, sardonic part of him wondered just why it was not an easy question to put to Ms. St. Giles. His mouth dried at the remembrance of her, and restlessness rapped against his ribcage in time with the rhythm of his blood. Ms. St. Giles. Half his distraction tonight he attributeD to her and to her alone.
Twisting half around, Elias easily caught the bartender's attention, lifted two fingers, and tilted them once toward Fee. It was enough to get a nod, and a second later, the bartender was directing one of the cocktail waitresses in their direction.
"Thank you for coming," he said, waiting for her to sit before he took his own chair again.