Though Mania was her dear, dear cousin, Eris didn't take kindly to being pulled back and away from her playthings. She growled, the sound deep and dark and extremely menacing, which to a mortal would've been terribly frightening, but to another goddess? More whining. She was loath to admit it, but Mania had a point. A good point. They'd been trapped for so long, jumping from one form to another - it would not do to destroy them so quickly, not when she was finally gaining a hold on this one. Oh, the meatbag was fighting her, it seemed they always did, but Eris would have her way in the end. She always did.
Lifting her arm, she twirled her cousin as though they were dancing (Eris' favorite past time when she wasn't killing) and let her eyes glance about the room. On the far wall, she noted a red handle, labeled quite clearly with the words FIRE in large, white type. Well, if there was anything ever so clear to chaos, it seemed like that was their ticket.
"There's one, cousin. On the wall. Come, I'll show you," she exclaimed smoothly, pulling Mania along behind her like a ragdoll as she started moving towards the far wall with the tempting button that was begging to be pushed.