A strange little hiccup answered his announcement, a cross between a sob and a laugh, and Kami's arms slipped neatly and tightly around his waist as she accepted and pressed further into the comforting hug. "Oh, Rick," she whispered. "I can't believe you remember that. It was so silly." She turned her head to rest her cheek against his chest and listened to his heart for a moment. The catch in her voice was already fading and she gave a small sigh. "Right," she continued, giving him another squeeze. "I'm a princess and no one can take that away."
Kami lifted her head finally and smiled up at him. The expression matched his and he knew that, as good as she was, no one was that good an actress. "It definitely helps when a guy like you treats me that way, you know," she pointed out. "Thank you so very much, Rick." Untangling from him, she reached up to tug him downwards so she could deliver a sweet, little kiss to his cheek. "You'll always be my Prince Ali."