everybody's comin'; leave your body at the door Who: EVERYONE. What: The Pax Halloween Party, part one. Where: Pax Letale apartment complex, rec room. When: 7 p.m., Oct. 31. Notes: Hi guys! Sorry this took so long to get up; things have been pretty crazy here. But here is the Halloween event! This is the first part, and should be treated like a regular event; please mark where and when your character can be found throughout the room. Please remember that your character must be wearing their Halloween mask provided to them at the beginning of the month in order to gain admission to the rec room party. This is crucial for the second part of the event. If there are two people in a thread, please ask permission before entering; if you have any questions, please contact the mods! Now on with the show!
Despite the general eeriness of the building at large, those who make their way downstairs to the Halloween party will find it decorated to entertain. The lobby's emptiness will have been filled by a set of bloody sticker footprints from the elevator leading toward the rec room, through the door of which lights and music blare into the hallway. Stephan is waiting outside the entry way, dressed to the nines like a bald Morticia Addams, his red nails clicking on a clipboard as he takes note of who's arrived and who hasn't. Those who aren't dressed appropriately—read: with their Pax-provided masks—will be denied entry until they go and retrieve said item. Upon entry, Stephan will make the remark that attendees are to enjoy themselves, and that a special guest of honor will arrive a few hours later.
Those who make it past the drag queen bouncer will find a rather ghoulishly delightful party inside. Orange and black streamers hang in wound loops from the walls, pinned carefully to the molding near the ceiling. Bats, cartoon cutouts of witches flying over a waning moon, black cats, and pumpkins all cover the walls from top to bottom; carved pumpkins are set on every available table space, lit and flickering in the low light. The doors to the pool area are open, a disco ball shining orange, black and white specks over everything as classic Halloween hits are played from a nearby boombox. The pool itself glows a ghostly green.
Back inside the rec room, a long table opposite the pool table is laden with hot dog finger treats, feet made of meatloaf, speared deviled eggs painted like eyeballs, and every other appropriately-themed Halloween food item an attendee could think of. In the middle of it all, amid black and orange plates and clear, orange-y cups, is a bowl filled generously with store-bought candy. On either side are punch bowls filled with green and red liquid; the former will taste like apple cider, the latter a regular tropical punch. Neither are alcoholic, but attendees are welcome to sneak their own into the party—Stephan's not watching that closely.
Overall, the party seems normal—too normal for some, though no one will find any mislaid bear traps, poisoned candy or razor-blade laden apples anywhere in the vicinity. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts....