It wasn't enough, this wasn't enough, a smoky voice purred in the back of his mind. He wanted- no, needed his lover's eyes on him while he brought them both to the edge, while he fucked him mercilessly into the mattress. It was an entirely selfish thought, but Shae had never really claimed to be anything else.
He withdrew from Mirza abruptly, wincing at the sudden loss of sensation. No matter, though- he wrenched the smaller man onto his back, deaf to the sounds of pain and protest the action elicited from his partner, and forced those leanly muscled thighs to part for him as he moved into position. His fingers were rough, possessive, digging greedily into the supple body beneath him as he impaled Mirza again with a shuddering moan.
His movements were more forceful, more frenzied now; he rocked into his lover with a ferocious intensity that left the both of them grunting and groaning from the sheer pleasure of it all. Shae bent down to tongue at the glittering piercing in one of Mirza's nipples, teasing the hardened nub before biting down firmly. It wasn't hard enough to break skin or permanently injure, but it was surely enough to draw a reaction.
He was so close, so close. Mindless words passed from his lips as he struggled toward orgasm, the syllables thick and jumbled and so ridiculously French that it might have been amusing had the both of them been any less aroused; as it was, those breathless utterings were practically electric in their eroticism.
Shae's fingers once again found his partner's neglected length, sandwiched between their tightly pressed bellies as they fucked, and proceeded to tug at the sticky, burning sex as best he could in order to wring Mirza's climax from him.