Shae nearly jerked away from the slight, unexpected stinging as Mirza's nails gouged shallow marks along his torso. It wasn't a sensation he was entirely used to, at least not during an encounter with another man, but there was something primal about the action that a part of him inwardly responded to, and he arched his belly against those claws with a satisfied groan.
Mirza's demeanor unleashed the wilder side of Shae's nature; as far as he was concerned, the body beneath him was his for the claiming. Everything about this man just begged for domination, and Shae definitely planned to deliver.
Shae leaned down over his partner's prone body, lips and tongue and teeth rasping against the smooth planes of Mirza's stomach as he roughly unfastened his new lover's pants and delved his fingers inside. His fingertips met with heated, velvety skin, and he tightened his grip as the fingers of his free hand worked to tug the remainder of the offending fabric down over Mirza's hips.
"'Dere's a pouch on da back of my belt," he nearly growled, staring down the other man with a ferocity that brooked no argument. "Git it. NOW."