paxnarrator (![]() ![]() @ 2017-04-05 08:56:00 |
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Entry tags: | fenrir, freyr, npc |
someone's watching your footsteps
Who: Chad [NPC] & Rafe, with an appearance by Abel.
What: Chad comes looking for his favorite pornstar, and Rafe is less than happy to see him.
Where: Pax Letale lobby.
When: April 5, late morning.
Chad swept into Pax as though he owned the place.
Slow, sure steps brought him into the lobby, the door behind him closing as though in confusion of who had just passed through its portal. His gaze swept over the lobby, hands hanging loosely from his too-tight jean pockets. His form was clad in a subtly pink shirt, hair slicked back, mustache neatly trimmed; focusing on the concierge desk, he strode toward Stephan, leaning one elbow on the desk's surface.
"Looking for Rafe Atala; he lives here, right?"
Stephan piqued one perfectly groomed brow, licking a finger to turn the page of his H&G magazine. A turquoise blue shawl draped over his shoulders moved subtly, covering the deep green dress that plunged at the neckline. Glasses settled on his nose amplified his gaze somewhat, a string of beads connected to either end of his visual modifier running around his neck.
"I'm not at liberty to release that information."
Chad straightened, both hands pressed to the desk as he tried on a boyishly charming smile. "Oh, come now. Surely a pretty little thing like yourself could spare a moment or two for me. This is important, I'm...worried. He hasn't been answering his phone."
Stephan didn't even look up this time, focused on an interior living room display that featured lime green and leopard print. "Against the rules, Mr...?"
"Anderson. But please, call me Chad. Are you sure there isn't anything you can tell me?" Without permission, Chad reached forward and plucked up one of Stephan's hands, thumb running over the other man's knuckles. "Is that Chanel I smell?"
Stephan glanced up, a light smirk curling his mouth like a cat who was charmed by a mouse. "And if it is?"
"Let's just say I know a guy who knows a guy who has an in regarding next season's collection." Chad brought Stephan's knuckles to his mouth, gently brushing his lips over the skin. "If a little bird were to help me out..."
Stephan arched a brow, allowing the motion for a moment before snatching his hand back in one graceful motion. "Rules, Mr. Anderson. But thank you for the offer."
Chad found himself grinning in spite of the rejection. "I don't suppose you'd have a problem with me having a look around? I was thinking about renting one of these units, anyway."
Stephan shook his head. "I can guarantee that you're not what management is looking for in a tenant. Now, if you don't remove yourself, I'm going to have to call--" Before he could finish the airy threat, the man Chad was looking for suddenly stepped around the corner.
"Rafe! My man!" Stephan was completely and utterly forgotten as Chad threw his hands into the air, a wide grin spreading over his face. Stephan's face was counter to that, a frown displaying his annoyance with the loud porn director. "Where the hell have you been?"
Rafael stopped in mid-stride. He looked to Stephan, and his shoulders sagged. He did not want to deal with Chad himself; he could hardly ask anyone else to do so in his place. With a tired sigh he forced himself to walk across the lobby, fetching up alongside the man he had hoped to never see again. When he spoke, his voice was a low, irritable hiss.
"What are you doing here? I did the interviews, the promo shoot, everything you wanted. Don't tell me there's something else now."
"Rafe, Rafe, Rafe," Chad started, putting hands on Rafe's shoulders. Rafael shrugged him off, taking a step back from him. "Can't a guy just be glad to see you? So what if I've got another opportunity, isn't it a good thing that you're the first person to pop into my head? Why don't we take this to your apartment so we can talk in private?"
"No." Rafael folded his arms across his chest, faintly rumpling his heather grey tee shirt. "You can say whatever you need to right here. But I already told you I'm not working with you again. Why do you think I'm not answering your calls? Your texts? Emails? I was really hoping that would be clear enough for you."
Chad patted Rafe's shoulder, his touch seemingly ever-present on the other man's body as though this would make some kind of conversion happen in Rafe's mind.
"Ah, come on, babe, don't be like that. I told you what happened was a mistake, an accident. This one won't be with Johnny, I promise, I got a new kid and everything. Completely new to the business, I wanted to give you first shot at breaking him in, you know? Your ass sells, kid, I told you that before. But you gotta shake it if you want people to come pay!"
"Stop." Rafael's jaw tightened. Again he backed away, a cornered animal retreating to his den. "It's always an excuse with you. Always. I'm done with it. Now please leave. I have somewhere I need to be." He edged around Chad, watching him as closely as if he were a snake ready to strike.
"Rafe, c'mon!" Chad moved directly into his path, blocking his exit, arms spread wide. "What've I gotta do to convince you, huh? More money? Or, you know, that thing we talked about before?" Chad's voice suddenly went lower, and he took a step into Rafe's personal space. "That thing that could really easily ruin your other line of work?"
Before Rafe could offer up a response, the elevator dinged open, and Abel stepped out into the lobby. He was dressed for work, a briefcase in hand, but his head immediately swiveled toward the event playing out publicly.
Rafael caught himself before letting slip an audible groan. He put a hand to his temple, as though covering his eyes might conceal him from view. He rubbed uselessly at the headache rapidly forming. "I have to go," he said, though another glance upward left him with no clear path out of harm's way. Chad would follow him to his apartment; leaving the building would have Chad and Abel dogging his heels. His voice was low. Distress showed in his face. "Text me details, okay? I'll think about it. That's the best I can do. But if you show up here uninvited again, I'll call the police."
He started forward again, his shoulder brushing past Chad's. The other than reached out, fingers circling Rafe's wrist.
"Man, I don't think you wanna bring police into this. Way too easy to make your other work look like something it isn't, you dig me? I think we can just play nice and then we'll both get what we want."
Behind them, Abel had paused in front of the elevator, taking in every detail of the scene before him with an inquisitive gaze. It was unclear if he could hear what was going on between Chad and Rafe, but the fact that one man was trying to get away from the other spoke volumes.
Rafael could feel Abel's eyes on him. Short hairs at his nape stood on end, easily attributed as much to Chad's manipulation as to the one observing it. Rafe's posture slumped. He twisted his wrist, pulling his hand from Chad's grasp. "All right. Okay." He brought his hand to the back of his neck, rubbing at the tension there. It did little to settle his nerves. "Just…" He sighed. "Send me the details. And I want to meet this guy first. Set some ground rules. That's not too much to ask, and you know it." He took a step backward, toward the front doors.
Chad dropped his hand, a plastic smile plastered to his mouth. "See, we can all be reasonable! Lemme walk you to your car; we're both headed in that direction anyway, aren't we?" He turned, slipping an arm around Rafe's shoulders, steering him toward the door. Rafael visibly flinched, but did not withdraw from his loose embrace. As they began to walk, Abel fell into step behind them, enough of a distance to not look as though he were stalking so much as following.
Rafe fell silent as they moved out into the parking lot, only half-listening to the steady stream of chatter from his tormentor.
Abel followed as far as the curb, where their paths diverged. He paused, watching Rafe and Chad disappear toward their respective vehicles, waiting just long enough to see Rafe extricate himself from Chad's clutches. He made careful note of the man, and then turned away, his thoughts lost in his own business.