08 September 2008 @ 11:53 am
Artist: [info]pfodge
Challenge: Icon theme # 25: Justin on Insane Journal
Characters: Justin
Warnings: None
Artists Notes: Comments and credit always appreciated, please do not alter. No hotlinking

Justin )
08 September 2008 @ 05:46 pm
Just a few odds and ends here to post. Every once in a while I get the urge to just make an icon but don't post it right away. I have a couple icons that I have made. but haven't done anything with them yet. Also [info]stacey_in_maposted a link to a new Gale photo. I copied it to my computer and made two icons. from it. With more to come There are only 6 of them so I am not going to put them behind a cut. Enjoy.