Monday, June 27th, 2011

Power Struggle: Event End

By now, characters will discover that the abilities they were given before are gone and any powers they had already have returned!
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Thursday, June 16th, 2011

Branch 42: Power Struggle

Branch 42 is issuing new vitamins to help improve brain function in classrooms! Please enjoy them and good luck in the classroom!


Little does Branch 42 know, there is an unfortunate (or maybe fortunate?) side-effect that these new vitamins have! In production, they were exposed to a specific kind of radiation that gives people super-powers!

(If your character has a super-power already, that super-power will be gone and replaced with the one that they receive by the effect of this event.)

Here's how it's going to work:
1.) Comment in reply to this post.
2.) A mod will reply with THREE super-powers. One super-special-awesome, one funny, and one randomly selected power. This will also include a possible drawback to having each power.
3.) The mun will select one of the listed powers for their character to have. It's up to the mun which one they get, but try to make sure you're fun and fair and don't give all of your characters the best possible powers ever because they're totally awesome. It's understandable if you've only go one or two, but if you've got 3+ characters, you should mix it up a little.
4.) Don't like the three powers you got? Reply to the three powers comment with the word "Reshuffle" to get three new ones. However, you can only "Reshuffle" once per mun.

The last day of this event will be Sunday, June 26th. If you don't want to participate, say that your character was away from the campus on the day that the vitamins were administered. Have fun!

List of Claimed Abilities
Aerith- Lady Luck
Albel- Empathy
Alois- Latin
Buffy- Light Sabers
Ciel- Clothing Blink
Claire- Weather Control
Cloud- Ballet
Ellis- Flaming Bedazzlement
Gwendolen- Pyrokinesis
Harumi- Every Yaoi Fangirl's Fantasy
Hiro- Superhuman Breath
Ion- Animation
Juri- Your Life, Captioned
Kadaj- Super Speed
Lelouch- Necromancy
Miku- Heat Vision
Minako- Cyrokinesis
Morrigan- Invisibility
Natsume- Black Holes
Nero- Unicorn Fantasy
Rei- Missiles
Rinoa- Marionettes
Ritsuka- Underwear Summoning
Sebastian- Healing
Sherlock- Doppelganger
Soma- Invulnerability
Soubi- Hygienic Toiletancy
Squall- Animal Magnetism
Suzaku- Hyper Awareness
Sylar- Dancing Mushrooms
Tidus- Gills
Tooru- Water Manipulation
Usagi- Sticky Touch
Watanuki- Star Summoning
Yuna- Vocal Silence
Zack- Adoptive Muscle Memory
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Friday, June 3rd, 2011

Branch 42: Experiment Clusterfuck End

Tonight, characters will discover that they are back to normal. Branch 42 thanks everyone for their cooperation and participation!
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Tuesday, May 24th, 2011

Branch 42 Experiment Clusterfuck

In an effort to test out a number of drugs in combination with each other, Branch 42 releases a number of products from various companies at the same time. Unfortunately, because some of the combinations aren't intended to happen, certain individuals will end up with less fortunate problems than others.

1. Clothing Phobia. Fear of all clothing except underwear results in an inability to wear clothing, regardless of situation.
2. Lose Your Senses. Lose one sense (touch, taste, smell, hearing, sight). Player may choose their character's sense that is lost.
3. Cupid's Arrow. Fall deeply in love with the first person that you lay eyes on.
4. Age shift. Physical (and possibly mental, up to you) increase/decrease in age. To what age is up to the player.
5. Face Change. Look like someone else for a day. It's not a body swap, you just look like them. Exactly like them. Player may choose which individual they change into unless objected to by the character in question's mun.
6. The Goddamn Pen is Blue. Can only speak the truth. If you tell a lie, your pants literally catch on fire. Just kidding. You just can't tell them at all (like in the movie Liar Liar if you want a reference).

HOW YOU KNOW WHICH YOUR CHARACTER GOT STUCK WITH: Reply to this post with your character's name, and either the number 1 or 2. The number 1 will indicate you would only like 1 of these ailments for your character. The number 2 will ask for more than one. Then, one of the mods will roll a 6-sided die (At this site!) or two 6-sided dice (depending on your choice), and tell you which two ailments you receive! That ways it's random and more fun! :D

*If you reaaaaally want to do a specific one of these, you can request it, but if you request one, your character automatically gets two and the second is random.

**If you don't reply by Friday May 27th then you'll be assigned one random ailment without say. If you would like to not participate, simply hold your post off until the end of the event. The event ends Friday, June 3rd.

***Still have questions? Ask in reply to this post as well.
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Sunday, May 15th, 2011

Virtues and Sins Event End and Dorm Rooms Currently Unavailable

By now, the drug in everyone’s systems has worn off completely. At this point, renovations are being made in all of the dorm rooms. Students and staff alike are asked (aka: required) to move into the same hotel, the Four Seasons Hotel. Room and board have been paid for in advance, so no one will have to worry about starving or where to sleep.

As for who you’ll be rooming with, that’s up to you. Everyone is required to room with at least one other person for safety and financial reasons. You can discuss and decide who room with who in the comments. One last thing. If you want to have your characters be forced to share a room with one king-sized bed instead of two beds, that's fine. It's up to you. Enjoy the break!
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Saturday, May 7th, 2011

Branch 42: Sins and Virtues

Branch 42 has allowed a privately-owned psychological medicine company to drug the water. Not with just any drug, mind you-- but a special kind of drug that works on the super-ego processes of the psyche. For about a week, every person on the PLC campus will feel a strongly heightened connection with one of the seven deadly sins or seven heavenly virtues and act accordingly. Here are the sins/virtues each individual has been infected with:

Aya Mikage: Sloth

Jonathan Crane: Sloth

Michiru Kaiou: Wrath
Rei Hino: Humility
Seiya Kou: Temperance
Usagi Tsukino: Envy

Temperance Brennan: Patience

Buffy Summers: Gluttony

Gwendolen Chant: Humility

Lelouch Lamperouge: Chastity
Suzaku Kururugi: Lust

Morrigan Aensland: Charity

Light Yagami: Gluttony

Nero Eruos: Kindness

Terra Branford: Greed
Aerith Gainsborough: Lust
Cloud Strife: Chastity
Kadaj Espere: Patience
Zack Fair: Diligence
Squall Leonhart: Lust
Rinoa Heartilly: Greed
Tidus Rayne: Pride
Yuna Braska: Wrath

Hiro Nakano: Diligence

Claire Bennet: Pride
Peter Petrelli: Greed
Nathan Petrelli: Chastity
Gabriel "Sylar" Gray: Kindness

Arthur Smith: Lust

Sawako Kuronuma: Wrath

Alois Trancy: Patience
Ciel Phantomhive: Kindness
Claude Faustus: Charity
Sebastian Michaelis: Lust
Soma Asman Cadart: Humility

Ellis McKinney: Chastity

Ritsuka Aoyagi: Pride
Soubi Agatsuma: Envy

Takashi Natsume: Greed

Tooru Kouno: Wrath

Harumi Fujiyoshi: Temperance

Kevin Vladimir: Gluttony

Sherlock Holmes: Sloth

Sasan Amiri: Envy

Albel Nox: Pride

Juri Han: Charity

Ion Fair: Greed

Miku Hatsune: Lust

Kimihiro Watanuki: Sloth

When each student and member of staff wake up in the morning, they will act according to their new-found affinity with the trait they've been bestowed with.

[ OOC: If you have a real objection to the sin/virtue your character's been assigned, you can comment here to discuss having it changed to something you would prefer. We tried not to give any muns the same traits for multiple characters and we tried to keep it fair. If you have any questions, feel free to comment this post! ]
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Friday, April 1st, 2011

Branch 42: Experiment End

The lifespan of what changed the sex of every character has died. Characters will find themselves back to their original sex without warning, so expect some embarrassing scenarios!

Again, Branch 42 thanks you for your participation and all the valuable data you helped provide!
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Friday, March 25th, 2011

Branch 42: Experiment

In order to further explore the human psyche, Branch 42 will be conducting an experiment seeing how the students and staff each react to suddenly becoming the opposite sex. Today, a gas was sent through all the A/C vents that changed each character’s sex to the opposite once inhaled. Characters will not be under the impression they have always been the opposite sex. They will retain their memories of being their original sex. Sex separated facilities, such as showers, are to remain as such. For example: since all the girls are guys now, they are to all use the male showers.

Classes, clubs and sports are to go on as normally scheduled. The event will last until April 1st. Have fun!
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Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011


PRESIDENT: Ciel Phantomhive
SECRETARY: Suzaku Kururugi
TREASURER: Aerith Gainborough
CLUB REP: Ion Fair

Welcome your new student council for this school year kindly! It was very close this year (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Disciplinary Advisor all won by only one vote!) Here's some other important news that you might find useful:

-March 25- Branch 42. Branch 42 will be releasing information on their next project.

-April 22- Prom. Prom will be held on a cruise ship this year and last over a couple of days so that you may not only enjoy prom, but the fun of a cruise as well! Look forward to it and don't forget to pack appropriately! The first night will be the actual prom dance!

See you around school and be safe!
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