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Parallel Spectrum OOC

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[17 Apr 2010|01:03pm]

I has an intelligent (I think) question I thought of last night as my allergies kept me awake. Will the Senshi be split in two like that girl was where there's a "doll" and a dark version of them or will there just be one since the Senshi are like, purer than normal people? I'm just curious ^^;;
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Contact, Additional, Etc. [08 Apr 2010|04:34pm]

Since all the other mods have given out contact information, I figure I should just in case any of you need me for whatever reason.
My AIM is Retro II Memory. That's two capitalized i's, not l's. Feel free to get a hold of me for any questions, concerns and what not.
Also, please welcome our new players, Jay and Elizabeth who will be our Mamoru and Ami, respectively!

As of right now, our roster is completely filled. : DDDD

<3 Ashe -- Also, also, I wont have internet until tomorrow and it's difficult to post otherwise. :P So give me a day to make my posts.
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Mamo-chan [07 Apr 2010|11:46pm]

Hi everyone. I'm here now as your resident Mamoru. ^_^ I'm trying a bit of catching up right now but i'll be posting for him soon. My name is Jay and I've been rping for a good long while so I promise to keep up. If you want to talk to me about plotting or anything else you can comment on my journal or I can give out my aim addy. I look forward to rping with everyone!
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[07 Apr 2010|11:39pm]

I wanted to let you guys know that I won't be able to post for a few more days because I have limited internet access right now. :-/ Besides, I have some catching up that I need to do first! I'll let you guys know when I get back. :D
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[05 Apr 2010|03:55pm]


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Time Jump & Such [03 Apr 2010|12:13pm]


Let's go ahead and have a time jump of another day. Just enough to give more opportunities--especially for the villains to get the show on the road.

Also, I know our Michiru was having difficulties beginning so maybe a little skip might help. Feeeeel free to ask if you still need help placing her. I'm sure Carter can help as well seeing as she's our Haruka!

Also, a reminder to PLEASE try and make all entries FRIEND'S ONLY. I'd like everyone to make sure they're in the habit of that. KAY? : D

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[24 Mar 2010|10:11pm]

Just a friendly reminder to please make posts in the RPG journal friends only. ^^ Thanks!
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Commence! [20 Mar 2010|09:52pm]

So we have made an executive decision to start!

Please make sure you've read all the rules before you start if you haven't already. Or you shall be smited by Amanda2. XD

~ Manda 1
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[20 Mar 2010|07:24pm]

Back from vacation.

So what would you all think of starting?
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Starting... [19 Mar 2010|11:16pm]


Everyone be prepared to start up next week!
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last minute planning before we start [13 Mar 2010|09:33pm]

Hey everyone! I'm heading to FL for Spring Break, but thought maybe I'd post OOC and see what you all thought about getting started soon.

I personally dont really see a need for the cats in this story, and if a player wants, they can just play their characters guardian, I figured. (For example if Atremis is needed I'll play him as I play Minako, etc.) What do you all think about that?

Otherwise we just need a Jupiter, Maker, and Pluto.

Pluto can always be at the time gate doing her duties. So we have almost a full cast!

So do you other mods agree to starting without a Maker and Jupiter? And if anyone wants to rectuit for us, feel free. XD

Anyways. So... any questions comments or concerns, ask away before we start. Me or one of the other mods will post in here when we officially begin. (I'll leave it to you two if you want to let things get started and keep things in check while I'm away.)

Make sure you've read all the rules, and posts in the actual RPG will need to be members only.

So here's a thread to ask questions and share ideas before we begin! Hope you all have fun.

~ Manda 1
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APPLICATIONS [10 Mar 2010|10:26pm]


Please post all applications to this post.
Make sure that you have read the entirety of the rules
and have a good understanding of each of them.
Feel free to ask any questions along with your
application should they come up.
One of the Mods should get back to you within 24 hours.


Name: (What shall we call you?)
Available Contact: (AIM, MSN, LJ, IJ - Pick Your Poison...)
Age: (Again, must be over 18)
Character Applying For: (Limit 2)
Previous Experience: (Have you RP'd before?)
Tell Us A Little About Your Character: (Give us an idea
that you have a clue about the person you'd like to take up.)
Brief Example of Writing: (Try and leave us a good paragraph
or two. Writing should be in third person POV.)

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