Sara had to laugh at the comment because she had somewhat of the same experience. "Same, in a sense. Though the tech was there if we needed it. But it was all torches and castles. This isn't even my first island, actually. Though this one is a hell of a lot nicer." The point was, Sara had experiencing surviving, and in much more unpleasant places.
"I think I'd prefer the hunting, too. Hunting, building, even security in some ways, maybe. Protection. I guess my plan is to be useful that way, and less on babies." she said with a shrug. "Though the sex is a pretty great selling point too." she smiled just slightly, borderline flirting. She wasn't sure about Ruby, but she had approached Sara, even if it was just to chat. No harm in looking into prospects.
Sara looked back up at the sky, one hand moving behind her head to act as a pillow. "The sooner we can get living spaces up and running, the better. I don't expect everyone will end up in this area, but I think I want to stick somewhat close to the falls, personally."