"Honestly?" Chris had to stop and think about that one for a moment. "It's been so long since I thought about what I want in my life that I don't even know what I'd consider a bonus. Because yeah, life hasn't been easy. I wouldn't call it bad, no -- " Because he'd gotten Allison out of it, and that made anything worth it. " -- but it hasn't been easy."
A shrug of one shoulder. "It's what my life is, though. I was born to it, so whatever it is -- hard or easy or anything else -- I learned long ago to handle it." More like compartmentalize the ever-loving hell out of it, because acknowledging it might slow him down too much.
And slowing down in his line of work? Was more often than not the fastest way to dead. Since he had been pretty fond of living -- still was but back there already seemed like another life -- he'd done his best to not slow down, not ever slow down. No wonder he'd felt burnt out sometimes. Even when he'd felt burnt out, he'd his best to hide it. He'd dealt with it, yes. Because if you didn't, there were problems. But he'd always done his best to hide it from anybody else.