"All right, Chris," Inari said. because if he wanted her to call him Chris, she was going to call him Chris. Even though it was weird for her. She was used to calling people by their titles. It was a respect thing. But it was also respect to call a person by the name they desired. So she'd call him Chris. And if she made it sound suggestive, well. That was entirely unintentional.
She fluttered her eyes at him. Not suggestive at all. Not in the least. "It seems like you've had a rough life," she said. It wasn't difficult to pick up on those cues. She wondered what his life had been like. He reminded her of Harry a little bit, just a little, in that vague want-to-fix-everyone-and-everything way. Not that Inari even know Harry all that well. But he'd been around, that last little while that she'd lived at home. And she knew he was a man who had seen things. Like this man she was sitting with.
Sitting by a waterfall, no less. It didn't get much more picturesque than that. "What sort of bonuses are you looking for?"