Barry stopped when she called his name and when he realized that there were tears on her cheeks, his heart sunk. He hated knowing that he had caused her so much pain. It was the opposite of what he wanted to do. He sighed at her question and walked back over, crouching down in front of her, hand reaching up to brush away her tear.
"When the particle accelerator exploded, I was struck by lightning in my lab. I spent nine months in a coma. When I woke up... I discovered that I had abilities. And I chose to use those abilities to help others."
He paused, knowing that he needed to actually say the words, that she deserved to hear him admit it. Forcing himself to meet her eyes, he finally spoke, his voice low. "I'm The Flash."
There were more apologies on the tip of his tongue, but he bit them back, knowing that she didn't want or need to hear them again.