January 15th, 2012

[info]itsallme in [info]papillonthreads

WHO: Ruby & Sam 2
WHAT: A Dubious Reunion
WHEN: Following her coffee date with Dani (backdated)
WHERE: Starting outside the cafe, & going from there
WARNINGS: Probably high, it's Ruby & Sam

If life is a riddle, then riddle me this, the blood tasted sweet as it passed by my lips. )

[info]gradeafreak in [info]papillonthreads

WHO: Sam Campbell, Dean Winchester, and some NPC'd locals.
WHAT: A random act of violence hits a little too close to home.
WHEN: Monday morning; around 9AM then onward from there.
WHERE: The steps of the courthouse ;rarr the hospital.
RATING: TBD [probably a bit high due to violence and language]
STATUS: In Progress

In retrospect, Sam should have known something bad was going to happen. )